True Beauty Comes From Being Yourself

“Be like everyone else,” everyone used to say. “Be the same because it is what people want.”
This has to stop. Telling everyone to be the same is the equivalent of telling all of your kitchen accessories to be televisions. And what does the “same” mean? Ask the advertisements for soft drinks and candy being consumed by young and fit people, while behind the camera stands multiple people of multiple sizes.

No matter how much you try to sell this concept and no matter how many people believe that they are part of a compact, normal society, no one is. There is no such thing as normal because there is no true definition of normal. Normal is a word backed by society who manipulates all of us into thinking that the word can be defined as not unattractive in any physical or psychological way. Normal is an opinion that defines no person, place, or thing. It is merely an idea.

Over the last handful of years, advertisers have picked up on the “unique” trend that has been coming about. And now, instead of persuading viewers towards sameness, they are persuading them towards uniqueness. That is fantastic, if that were the case, but it is not. Rather than rethinking selling tactics and original ideas, advertisers have just replaced the word “same” and its synonyms with “unique” and its synonyms. Do you see what they did there? They are telling the whole world to be different in the exact “SAME” way. This is preposterous! This is an outrage!

This is capitalism.

Everyone has a goal in life. Some want to be at the top of a company that sucks money from people. If that is your dream, then congratulations. But if it is not, PLEASE do not let anyone (no matter how close you are to them) try to tell you that who you are is not good enough. PLEASE do not let anyone try to tell you how to act or what to say or what to wear or what to photograph or write or draw or paint or perform. Our “gut” feeling is always our best guide. Embrace that there is no one else exactly like you on this drowning planet. Go down with your ship because trying to impress others will never persuade them to save you. Only you can save you. True beauty comes from just being exactly who you want to be.

Old Faithful

Today, I am a geyser on the brink of eruption;
I may erupt tomorrow,
But that isn’t a means to assume anything,
For you know just as little as I
About how geysers work;
The scary thing about beings like us
Is that we cannot be predicted,
But isn’t that the beauty of life anyways?
Aren’t we all just wondering, wandering geysers?
Not all of us are active or crazy or even stir-crazy,
But what does that say about us?

All that matters about who we are is our intentions
And our successes,
But failures pull like the gravity that keeps us from flying –
The gravity that makes us feel like we should stop trying,
Because in the end, we will all lay dying,
And gravity will always win,
But the failures cannot restrict this stream –
Strong and unsteady,
I wait too long to burst, but I’m always ready
Because failures,
Like gravity,
Never stop trying,
But wait until you see me match that;
More unpredictable than others want you to think;
A planned life is a boring life,
But I will stay faithful to everything
Until it kills me,
But I swear that when I die,
I will fly, and prove the failures wrong;

All that matters about who we are is our intentions
And our successes,
No matter how faint they may seem,
After all,
We are all just tiny reflections off of a glass pane that we seem to think is the universe;

So will you come and wait around and hope for me to burst?
It may seem a little scary at first,
But boy, is it a sight to see;

There is so much you still have to learn;
There is so much we still have to learn;

When Still Meets Supense

When Still Meets Supense

​You could be still,
And I could be still
And we could listen to the waves break
Under the stars
In the cool, wet night,
Stiller than everything that’s
Anxious around us;
Yet nothing is still
Inside of these bones;
Waves  inside, crashing,
Trying to break free,
Trying to tell me
I have finally found home;


Empty Houses

We wonder why we are worth anything sometimes – why anyone takes interest. What makes me deserve this life? This is a question that we will all ask ourselves at one point in our lives, or several. However, there will come an epiphany, whether it be through a mental realization or inside of the arms of an individual. We will open a window in our minds that has not yet been touched. Sometimes it takes another special someone to do it for us, but once that window is open, we feel relief. We feel important. We feel loved. We need this person. And sometimes we will do stupid things to keep him or her. Sometimes we will do stupid things to push him or her away, out of fear. Opening this window will not always welcome sunshine. The sunlight does burn, and sometimes we must learn in the hardest way that the burns will damage us, but we will heal.

Adapting to the sunlight has never been easy for me. My window is too big, and too many demons disguised as love have come straight through. But I can promise you that if any of this makes sense, you need to find hope somehow. Every burn will make you stronger, and every burn will make it easier to recognize love when it is real. This is my biggest problem. This is where I am. I have found it. Keeping it is what I struggle with because my fear takes the wheel and drives me down a road with empty houses – a road that no one else wants to go on, especially you. We cannot let our fear take the wheel. It’s funny because I have other things in my life that I should logically and legitimately be afraid of, but I’m afraid of my own actions that I can’t control and these feelings that I have never experienced that I can’t control either.

But all we can do when we want to take flight is fold in our wings and stand a little taller. We have a backbone, and no matter how tired or broken or scarred it may be, there will always be strength to continue. Fear cannot have strength. Only we were born with strength.

To Love is…

To love a woman who has been through trauma is impossible. That’s what they’ll tell you. And for a long time, you will believe them, like I did.

To love a woman who overreacts about many things on a regular basis because she has been through trauma is impossible. That’s what they’ll tell you. And for a long time, you will believe them, like I did.

To love a woman who says she feels other peoples sorrows without even knowing who they are because it’s just the kind of superpower that people who have been through trauma have is impossible. That’s what they’ll tell you. And for a long time, you will believe them, like I did.

To love a woman who has been through experiences that you cannot understand or accept, which raises the question of how she could possibly understand and accept them, therefore creating a scenario in your head that tells you that a connection about anything that is not about her trauma, is impossible. That’s what they’ll try to tell you. And for a long time, you will believe them, like I did.

We believe a lot of things that advertisements tell us to believe, whether those advertisements appear as billboards or the mouths of those who are consumed by screens, as if they are Teleprompters that see through the individuality of what we truly are beneath the smiles and the skin and the veins and the bones.

I have felt the way that everyone at this point in our lives, at least once, has probably felt, which is the kind love that grows so rapidly with someone that you doubt that it is real. And it ends as quickly as it grows. What I have learned over the years is that loving someone who has not had any struggles is the real struggle, and let me tell you why.

Now, if you can sit down right now and think about any possible thing that has left you feeling traumatized, and come up with nothing, then I applaud you. I have met people like you and they are beautiful in their own way with nothing to worry about besides a couple of physical insecurities. Many people would kill to be you. And this isn’t meant to tell you that you cannot be loved, because you can, and I’m not trying to say that anything about life is easier for you, because it’s not. Life is a struggle for everyone, but sometimes, people with trauma feel that their experiences are the sole reason why they feel unlovable. That is what I am trying to say in this long combination of words that I’m writing.


This isn’t a piece meant to make anyone feel bad for themselves, but rather an open-ended truth that has slowly collected inside of my head over time, like a tornado. And in the same way that I believe that everyone can be loved, I believe that at least one person can understand and accept these words on a very deep level, like I do.

Even the worst of enemies can come to an understanding when in sight of a struggle. There is almost always a moment of sympathy that can be felt when learning of one’s struggles. And sometimes, especially for those who have experienced trauma, there is empathy that radiates.

Many of those who have been through trauma do not want to be with someone who has also been through trauma, and I think it is because we are afraid that we cannot handle it. How can I support your broken pieces if I’m still trying to put myself together? Well, we all struggle with putting ourselves together in different ways and I think that people who have been through trauma forget that those who have not had struggles, too.

How can a fan with no blades do its job? How can you unmelt butter? How can you fix trauma? You cannot just put the blades back on or put the butter back in the fridge. It will never be what it once was and it took me a long time to accept that I may never be able to fix myself, but that’s when I began to love myself.

Many days are hard. In fact, most days are hard, but we cannot go on wondering if anyone is ever going to love us because our trauma makes us impossible to love. Everyone has problems. And while a perfect creature who’s never had any sort of illness or negative experience may not understand, that is only the beginning. And while a broken person seems impossible to love because a sick person should not heal another sick person, that is only the beginning. There will come a time when we are all sick and we will rely on each other like we have always loved each other.

So let’s stop counting the things that are wrong with the person sitting in front of us on that awkward date. Let’s stop trying to figure out what they have already figured out about us on that awkward second date. I have been trying to listen to my gut more often, because it is the only place I can trust, which is something that I’m working on. What are you working on?

To love a woman who thinks too much or says too much or writes too much is impossible. That’s what they’ll tell you. And for a long time, you will believe them, like I did.

And none of this means that I found someone, because I haven’t, but I believe, now. I hope you do, too.


I wish I could follow
This lapse of time;
Just grasp the thread
And float away;
I don’t want to be
In your everlasting twine;
I wish I could undo these knots
And break free free from
These frayed lapses;
I wish I could follow just this one;
Just grasp the thread
And float away;

Life is the Journey Through the Storm

So I have been staring at a computer screen for 11 hours, trying to study for my test, and resisting the urge to write. When I finished my test, I picked something and rolled with it without any revision because it felt good to get it out, but I’m sick of looking at this screen, and I feel like this piece makes absolutely no sense. I got lost in another one of my metaphors (what a surprise).

I just wanted to write something refreshing and freeing. I figured the ocean would be a good word to work around. OK Enough meaningless words. Thank you for reading

Even if it’s terrible, I hope it inspires you.

Washed in the waves
Brushed in between the Braille
That he cannot make out
Because he cannot feel anything;
The numbness has set in
And all he wants to do is learn,
But we cannot embrace the waves
Until we realize that they clean-
Until we realize that the nausea strengthens us-
Until we realize that getting caught in the storm
Has nothing to do with being half of the battle of life;
It is the waves that move us across the water
A calm sea does not maneuver a still boat;
When I am still, and I lose my oars,
I pray for the storm to push me;
Getting caught in the storm is not a battle,
But our lives are boats
Upon the sea,
And those who cannot feel the Braille
May not feel the waves;
They may not feel the struggle,
But what story about a still boat
Upon a silent sea
Would be worth telling?